Luna overhears Usagi's classmates talk about how a princess from the kingdom of D will be exhibiting a secret treasure during a dinner party. Luna believes it to be related to the Moon Princess and the Legendary Silver Crystal. Usagi disguises herself, Ami, and Rei as princesses to sneak into the embassy. While Usagi wanders off and ends up briefly dancing with Tuxedo Mask, Ami and Rei discover Princess D's bodyguard is actually Nephrite. His shadow possesses Princess D and has her escape with the kingdom's treasure. The Sailor Guardians confront the possessed princess. Usagi receives a new tiara in the process, and uses it to blast Nephrite's shadow out of Princess D's body. After Nephrite regroups with Jadeite, Zoisite, and Kunzite, they introduce themselves as the Four Kings of Heaven and leaving. As Princess D reveals her kingdom's secret treasure, which turns out to be a diamond carving of herself, Tuxedo Mask gives a sleeping Usagi a kiss. He flees after revealing to Luna that he is also searching for the Legendary Silver Crystal.